The e-mails, messages, WhatsApp can not be clamped with the e-mails of this era on July 14, 2013, the 163-year-old Indian Wire Service of the Indian Postal System has been closed. In the era of digital aggression, the remaining postal services have survived. In these circumstances, a postal box has become the main attraction of thousands of tourists. Yes, red in color, look like a small pillar with a round head. Just look like this! If so, what is the reason for that? Actually this box is in deep sea. Think of dipping the dive deep into the ocean! That's possible! Yes, it is such that in Susami city of Japan. This innovative initiative is taken on the advice of a senior postmaster or not. The box is placed 10 meters away from the beach and 32 feet deep. Since 1999, there are about 35,000 letters in this mail box. In 2002, as a 'Depressed Underwater Postbox' it was named Guinness Book. But the letter lies in the water? Special waterproof papers, envelopes and special marker pens are available at local stores. Tourists posting their own letters by writing a letter on waterproof paper with this marker pen and going down the water. The letters that the postal divers would pick up after a while. After that they are sent to the local post office. Let's send it to the destination at roughly a week. The mail box was lifted for six months, for color and repair. Two mailboxes were turned back and left in the sea floor. But this is not the only 'underwater postbox' in the world. Underwaters' post box first started in Vanuatu Island, Pacific. For the tourists. Simply imitated in Japan, this 'underwater postbox' was created. Please subscribe to our channel to get new news, thank you for staying with our channel.
See the increase in the domes of Japan Asow Farm Land Resort has been set up in the Kumamoto area of South Japan. There are 450 dome-houses in this resort. Large properties of houses - these earthquake resistant Homes were built keeping children in mind Many home-made paintings of animals and dinosaurs have been painted. Dome-shaped houses have no pillars, so there is no fear of breaking the poles in the earthquake or storm. This fancy system is because the area is earthquake prone. The resort is crowded by tourists from around the world. The photos have been recently cambered.
Revolutionary and communist politician and first President of the Soviet Union, Vladimir Lenin , died almost 94 years before now. Meanwhile, the fall of the Soviet Union has been almost 25 years. Nevertheless, Lenin's mummy body is still being displayed in a red carpet museum in Moscow. Although the question of what will be done with Lenin's body, whether or not he will be buried, the question is heard regularly in Russia. But the Russian authorities have been showing indifference to the question of the removal of his body from the exhibition Bolshevik revolution hero Vladimir Lenin died in 1924. After the death, the Soviet authorities would build a monument for him. According to Schleswig's plan, the Lenin Memorial has lasted for the last 94 years without major repairs. It is recognized as one of the UNESCO's memorials. Lenin's mummy body lying in the tomb of Red Square in the mid-20th century. Initially, her body was supposed to be temporarily displayed. Because...
If there is a night on this island death is inevitable! There is a deserted island in the Pacific Ocean. This island is called 'ghostur island', locals call it. It's heard, if there is a night there, or the death will come near. And if the night happens, the appearance of the ancient island will change. The small "ghostly island" is located next to the Pacific Island of Micronesia on the Pacific Ocean chest. The original name of the island is Nan Madol. It is known that this island is located 1600 miles from Australia and 2500 miles from Los Angeles. That is why it is almost impossible for anyone to get there. Researchers went to the island, where there were 97 separate blocks. Water bodies like narrow canals, separated them from each other. However, this type of block is not clear why. And there is nothing on the satellite image except the thick forest. In the picture, there are many walls, whose walls are 25 feet tall and 17 feet thick. Why did someone build...
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